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Application of DevOps in the Cloud


  • Webcast


  • DevOps
  • Cloud

With responsiveness to business and the ability to move quickly and consistently being necessities for data solutions in today’s world, DevOps is a must-have in your arsenal to take your Modern Cloud Data Platform to the next level.

This recorded webcast explores the application of DevOps in the Cloud to add consistency, quality, and reliability to your data solutions, with the provisioning of Cloud environments for teams to move quickly, CI/CD pipelines to help alleviate the onerous change management processes, and automated testing that allows for quick release to business-facing interfaces.

Keeping your business’s needs at the forefront, we:

  • Introduce DevOps conceptually and the ways in which DevOps principles can be transferred to solutions being built in the Cloud. Why DevOps? How can it help you?
  • Introduce the different tools in Cloud platforms that can help apply DevOps and consider the factors that go alongside the building of pipelines e.g. Code Management, Testing Scripts etc.
  • Take example Scenarios around deployment and infrastructure provisioning and see how DevOps pipelines can speed up these processes in a reliable fashion.

Is it for you?

  • Are you exploring the Cloud to host and build your data solutions?
  • Are you looking at bringing consistency to the data solutions being built in your organization and would like to adopt a more agile method of working in the Cloud?
  • Are you looking at future-proofing your solutions while being in line with your current business needs?