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Unlocking Growth: Recommending Sales Orders


  • Webcast


  • Consumer Packaged Goods

In today’s fiercely competitive Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) landscape, the ability to place the right products in the right stores at precisely the right time is not just an advantage – it is a necessity. For CPG companies, this alignment between product availability and demand is crucial for success.


Unlocking Growth: Recommending Sales Orders (27 mins)

In this recorded webcast Thorogood Data and AI Consultants Andrew Kennedy and Sanjay Sajeevan demonstrate how CPG companies can achieve this alignment by recommending appropriate orders for each retailer, ensuring a mutually beneficial relationship between manufacturers and retailers.

Recommending sales orders goes beyond simple product placement – it is about understanding customer demand, forecasting accurately, and optimizing product ranges to align to consumer needs and reduce out-of-stock incidents. By leveraging a combination of forecasting and product-recommendation techniques, CPG companies can ensure their products are not only available but also relevant to each retail environment. Alongside enhanced sales performance, this strategy strengthens retailer-manufacturer relationships through shared success.

What we cover:

  • Understand the business value of recommending sales orders and how it can drive growth and operational efficiency for both retailers and manufacturers.
  • Discuss forecasting and recommendation methods and some of the considerations when choosing which models to use.
  • Consider how to evaluate the model, and monitor performance against the key business goals.

Is it for you?

  • Do you want to increase your sales and improve availability by making the most of the data you have available?
  • Do you aim to empower your sales teams, both in the field and online, with data-driven insights?
  • Are you looking to promote new and strategic products in your portfolio to gain a competitive edge in the market?
  • Is your organization looking to become more data-driven and looking for opportunities to use statistical and machine learning techniques to deliver business value?

This event is tailored for decision-makers in CPG companies – including Sales Directors, Operations Managers, Data Scientists, and IT leaders – looking to leverage data analytics to refine their sales strategies and achieve superior market performance.