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Connected Planning for Insurance with Anaplan’s new UX interface


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  • Anaplan

Planning is the exercise that translates and expands the enterprise’s strategy into detailed actions and expected outcomes. It is a chance to align everyone on what can be achieved with the necessary effort and co-ordination. Real events will never match plans but the act of planning makes the organization so much more prepared and better able to deal with the disruptive events and achieve its goals.

This is what Anaplan’s connected planning is all about. It allows businesses to build plans iteratively; bottom-up and top-down and in parallel for different scenarios. These plans support and embody the development of go-to-market decisions, sub-strategies, and continency plans. Anaplan is a tool that facilitates thinking, debating and creative planning by performing the necessary disciplines of calculation logic, what-if scenario modeling, version control, and workflow.

In this recorded webcast, Thorogood Consultant Howard Yates shows how an application can be set up to deliver these core disciplines with ease and confidence. He also shows show how it can serve the different personas in a fast, efficient and helpful manner that encourages their participation and energy.

The Lloyd’s Syndicate Business Forecasting requirements are used as an example to illustrate Anaplan’s capabilities. Whilst the SBF is a regulatory submission, this example shows how business planning can be supported as a first step and then built upon to achieve further disclosures. In this case, it also covers the production of data files for electronic submission to a central market authority or regulator.